Kylan's first time in the snow and sledding!
He really seemed to enjoy it some but still unsure! :)lol
He will have to get use to it! It took forever to find some boots though! But finally we did yeah!!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Kylan Sledding
The Watt-Hayes Family at 3:55 PM 2 Left Some Love!
Hey--- We're back from Utah
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday! We sure did at my dad's house in SLC, Utah. It was great to see everyone and for them to spend time with Kylan. I know he loved the attention!
It took us 9 hours to get home from a 5 hour drive it was crazy cause of the storm the night before the road was closed and we had to go through Pocatello, ID and then back to Burley. It was long and saw over a dozen accidents. We were very grateful that nothing happened to us. We happy to be home and safe!
When we got home there was still lots of snow and i was able to take Kylan on the sled for a bit. He seem to really enjoy it!
Here are some picures.. Enjoy!
And Happy New Year 2009!!!
The Watt-Hayes Family at 3:37 PM 0 Left Some Love!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Beautiful Chritmas Lights
Happy Holiday's Everyone!
I'm sure everyone is getting ready for Christmas or snowed in!! We left on Sunday to Utah to my dads for Christmas. I was snowing pretty good when we left but started to clear up as we got into Utah. Its been snowing here and really cold but were having a good time.
Sebastian and I were able to head to the temple square downtown tonight and see the pretty lights. It was REALLY cold! but beautiful!
Here are some pictures of us there on our little date! While "Grandpa and Grandma" watched Kylan!
More to come later this week! :)
The Watt-Hayes Family at 10:47 PM 2 Left Some Love!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Happy Holidays!
Here's a few things i've been working on lately!
Hope everyone's having a great day/evening! :)
take care!
The last pic is of kylan after dinner!
The Watt-Hayes Family at 6:11 PM 4 Left Some Love!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Lots of good stuff... HHH
Happy Hip Hop Friday Everyone!
So i didn't do any of Thursdays Challenge.. so i did today! It was so fun over at Unity cause They had it live! How cool is that! and Angela will be doing a live chat again in the morning on her blog! So be sure to check that out! Plus there are some SWEET deals going on over there too! Check out Unity Stamps!!
Iam also posting some pictures of some projects I have been working on!
Im still working on them! but wanted to post a sneak peek!
One is a magnetic calender with different paper for each month, and different holiday magnets as well as name plates for each mo too!
Second is a message board and last is a magnetic pic frames/decor.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!!
Natalie :)
Happy Holiday's
The Watt-Hayes Family at 12:20 AM 11 Left Some Love!
Friday, December 5, 2008
I've been Tagged!
So I've been Tagged by Brooke!
Here goes!
7 random things...
#1. I have a Twin Sister Melanie, and he both had our babies in Oct. 1 year and 4 days part! And they were almost exact in wight and height and length.
#2. I don't like milk or salad.
#3. I have never broken any bones
#4. I am allergic to Avocado.
#5. I'm not a big animal lover-( we have a golden retriever!)
#6. I hate the sound of Nail Clippers ,clipping!
#7. I love candy! And there's usually some kind of snack in my purse!
ok.. i'm tagging these 7 girlies.. cuz i think they will have
FUN RANDOM FACTS to share with Me!!
Melanie, Kimberly, Chelsea, Brittany, Jessica, Jacqueline, Heather!
The Watt-Hayes Family at 10:08 AM 2 Left Some Love!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Hip Hop Thursday!! 12/04/08
Good Morning!
Its another hip hop week at Unity! I did the Unity Addicts Challenge it was a Scrapbooking Layout. With Unity Stamps. I've been meaning to scrap this picture for a while. it's of my mom, kylan and me. At the Orchard's Pumpkin Patch in October 2008. Sorry if the pic is blurry! its late!! :)
check out unity today for some fun and games!
The Watt-Hayes Family at 12:38 AM 2 Left Some Love!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
One Heck of a Dance...........

The Watt-Hayes Family at 10:30 PM 2 Left Some Love!
Monday, December 1, 2008
It December!!!
Wow time sure fly's!
I can't believe Christmas is just a few weeks away!
Over Thanksgiving when Sebastian's family was here they gave us our presents early since we wont see them during Christmas.
They're so sweet.... We got Apples to Apples (super excited about) I got the Corel Photo Shop (Way Super EXCITED about) A 50.00 gift card to JoAnne's (Way Fabulous) Bass got a engraved photo frame that has a golfball clock with it ( super cool) and some South African jerky meat stuff! (He LOVES) as well as the office and entourage seasons 1-3 dvd's!
Kylan got a blow up jumping gym! ( he's not sure about yet) A "Cars" Golf clubs and bag!! (he loves) and a BIG present not opened yet!! (its a tri-cycle that you push behind them!)
THANKS SO MUCH WATT-HAYES FAMILY!Your all so Awesome and Sweet!
Hers some photos!
The Watt-Hayes Family at 11:14 AM 1 Left Some Love!
Labels: Your
Hope Everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
We sure did.. with lots and lots of yummy food!
This was Kylan's 2nd Thanksgiving,He got to hang out with his cousin Hatious, and his Auntie's Sian and Renee, and "papa" Sebastian's dad.
We had a great time, played games,I did everyone's hair! watched movies, and ate lots of food!! I think i need to bust out that Yoga ball asap! :)
Us girls even got up for "black friday"!! we were in and out and done in 2 hours!!
Well here are some pictures of our eventful weekend with everyone!
The Watt-Hayes Family at 10:48 AM 1 Left Some Love!