Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'm Home- Lots of stamps!

So Kylan and i got home from our 16 day trip to the pacific north west! We flew hom from Seattle on sunday. Boy is it good to be home. Thou we had a BLAST with family and friends. theres nothing like your own bed! So i've taken the last few days to relax, and get rid of this sore throat thing i got.. but i did come home to my UNITY STAMPS!! yeah. I got the surprise box of 50! and the so and so love's, and you make my heart sing, which i for got to take of photo of!
and i also got this cute fabric from my fav store IKEA... to make curtain's for Kylan's room that we are going to turn into a forest/friends/woddsie room. His big boy room!


0 Left Some Love!: